Exhibition - Hamedine Kane at Art Explora Festival in Tangier

Hamedine Kane, "La Maison Bleue I", 2016. Courtesy the artist and Selebe Yoon, Dakar.

Hamedine Kane will present a series of photographs and films at Art Explora Festival in Tangier, from the 20th to the 29th of September 2024, part of the ingoing research project « Le livre d’image, Africa XXI #1, Les luttes ».

Anchored in a perpetual wandering movement, this approach explores the manifestations of the living, bypassing anxiety-provoking social and political situations. Kane favors intimate, secret spaces of production, mobilizing the power of becoming in motion. This work stems from his iconographic research for the project "Le livre d'image, Africa XXI #1, Les luttes". Imbued with a perpetual wandering movement, this artistic approach highlights manifestations of the living, while bypassing anxiety-provoking social and political situations. Kane creates intimate, secret spaces of production, mobilizing the strength of becoming in motion. Unlike oppressive power, strength belongs to and serves the people.

The works on view were made between Calais, France and Senegal’s coastline.

A guided tour by the artist will take place on Sunday, September 22, 3pm to 4pm.


Exhibition - “Murmures” at Nantes Université


Screening- Hamedine Kane’s film “A l’Ombre de Nos Fantômes”, 2018, at Cinema Galleggiante – Acque Sconosciute V Edizione